I tested VMware installing the OS/2 Warp 4.0 as a guest Operating System.

So I decided to change the following value in the file "Other.vmx"

Adventures and Misadventures of a Geek. I'm interested in Operating Systems, Astronomy, Egyptology.
I tested VMware installing the OS/2 Warp 4.0 as a guest Operating System.
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Etiquetas: os/2 warp ; VMware
Trying to test the Vmware Workstation I started searching my Operating Systems CDs.
I found a lot of diskettes and cds that brought memories of and old era :
My first Linux Distribution came with the magazine "Solo Programadores" from February 1995, it was Slackware Linux 2.1.0.(Linux kernel 1.1.59).
My first Infomagic Linux Developer's resource from April 1996. A 6 cd set that came with the Red Hat 3.0.3 "picasso" (ELF Release) Slackware 3.0 (kernel 1.2.20) and Debian 0.93R6 (kernel 1.2.13).
Here is a picture
And my OS/2 Operating Systems 2.1 (from mid 1993) and 3.0 Warp (late 1994).
Now I'm testing some of these old systems under VMWare. I'm trying to make the OS/2 run under VMWare. I know that the OS/2 is not supported by VMWare as the VMWare site says : "given our present strategic directions and commitments, that we can support OS/2 as a guest operating system."
Anyway I will give it a shot.
I'm feeling nOStalgie for these old Operating Systems!.
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Etiquetas: old operating systems
Tired of traffic?
Tired of Mass Transportation System?
Still watching the sky waiting for a Flying Saucer Bus??
(Image fom the movie
RECUERDOS DEL FUTURO Y REGRESO A LAS ESTRELLAS.erich.von.daniken.spanish-muy buena.avi )
The wait is over!!!
The solution is here to stay!!!
Thanks to the reverse engineering of Bob Lazar!
Now you can build your own flying saucer!!!
Don't be afraid an use the next sketchs made by Bob.
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Etiquetas: Bob Lazar, Flying Saucer, Humor
I have been having problems using and external Hard Disk (Seagate ST316002 - IDE - 7200 RPM ) and a carrying case 3.5" (Noganet USB 2.0 External Case) under Windows XP. Sometimes I got the error message "Delayed Write Failed" and many files are trimmed to zero bytes (M$ Magic).
At last I discovered the problem and the solution (just changed a 1 for a 0).
The problem was the value of the LargeSystemCache registry key. One of the video drivers I tested modified the value and I didn't notice that change until now.
The Registry Key is :
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
Now the disk is working fine under Windows.
I forgot to say that according to Micro$oft the problem was :
•You are using a 40-wire connector cable to connect the UDMA drive to the controller instead of the required 80-wire, 40-pin cable.
• Your BIOS settings are configured to force faster UDMA modes.
As you can see here :http://support.microsoft.com/kb/330174/en-us
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Etiquetas: delayed write failed, LargeSystemCache
Last weekend I finally used the AutoStar 497 Computer Control System from meade.
I connected the controller to my telescope a Meade DS-114mm (4.5" reflecting telescope) with dual motor control system.
The First Time I connected the Autostar I had to set it up :
Daylight Saving (yes/no)
Telescope Site - Buenos Aires Argentina
Telescope Model : DS-114
Then I selected the Easy Align procedure. So I had to set the telescope in "home" position, tube level at 0 degress and pointed north (I used a compass) and pushed "Enter".
After that the Autostar selected the brightest start, Sirius and moved automatically, it stopped moving and I had to correct the positioning using the key numbers to select the speed and the arrows to move the tube, after a few movements I centered Sirius and pressed "Enter". Then the autostar started moving to Canopus. Like Sirius I had to correct the positioning with a few movements. After that the telescope was aligned in less than 5 minutes.
I selected the "Guided Tour" -> "Tonight's Best" and then the telescope started moving to Saturn. The planet was well centered but I couldn't see it in the eyepiece, I could see it in the viewfinder. So I pressed Enter for two seconds and then corrected the alignement using the arrows keys and pressed Enter again. Then the planet was perfectly centered. And thanks to the auto tracking feature I didn't need to care about keeping the planet centered. The autostar did the job for me. I waited more than 5 minutes and the planet was still correctly centered. Then I selected to watch the Moon. And this time it was automatically centered by Autostar. After enyoing the view with different eyepieces the clouds covered the sky. So I had to abandon skywatching.
The next day during the sunlight I trained the Motors using the "Setup->Train Drive" option using a distant land object. And at night the Alignment was perfect, the only issue I had was that this time the Autostar selected other less bright stars and some of them I didn't know exactly where they were. For example Spika, Regulus, Bellatrix, so I had to press the down button sometimes until a star familiar to me was selected. In another session I decided to use the Two -Star align method, in this option I was able to choose the stars.
The autostar is an excellent accessory for the telescope it has a huge database more than 30000 objects. Including planets, messier object, nebulaes, meteors, satellites. The alignment procedure is easy and the auto tracking feature is awesome.
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Etiquetas: Astronomy, Autostar 497, Meade
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Etiquetas: Solaris 10